Online - May 6, 7, 8, 2022

Integral Practitioner Convergence

Developing Dialogic Capability

The 5th Integral Practitioner Convergence:
Developing Dialogic Capability

Participation in this year's online Integral Practitioner Convergence is free of charge.

Ukraine's Sacrifice and the World-System Crisis: Our Historical Moment Requires a New Kind of Practitioner

We live in a time of agonizing challenges and creative disruptions. The challenges humanity faces are so complex that our historical epoch is sometimes described as a crisis of complexity at the core of our current ecological, economic, and political turmoil. In each case, what is required of humanity is more complex than what our current capabilities support. Even our own inventions—technologies, cultural memes, organizations, and communities—have been evolving into increasingly complex forms which have increased the demands of everyday life.

For those who choose to engage this historical moment, a deeper and higher order of capability is required.

In response to these challenges, transformative initiatives are emerging and converging all around the globe. Our global circumstances require practitioners involved in transformation and leadership to develop a unique ecology of competencies that is complex enough for the requirements of the present.

Many of us are called to lives of sacred purpose where we seek to connect professional livelihood with personal meaning and passion. However, there is a widening gap between the challenges of complexity and our individual and collective capabilities. To realize our potential for passionate and meaningful livelihood, it is imperative that we close this gap by building a bridge of capability.

integral practitioners discuss at a table
integral practitioners sit outside during a convergence

"No matter how bad our crises, our responses will decide both their consequences and our destiny. If that’s so, and it is, it raises one of the great questions of our time and of all time: How can we contribute most effectively to help mitigate or heal these crises?

As integral practitioners, this question becomes: How can we use our integral skills to contribute most effectively? Of course, beneath this lies another question: How do we discover our most effective contributions?"

— Roger Walsh, MD, PhD
From "Calling All Integral Practitioners" - 2022

What are Integral Practitioners?

Integral practitioners foster the development and transformation of individuals, teams, organizations, communities, and societies by empowering the whole person and the whole system. In domains such as education, business, healing, coaching, and the arts, integral practitioners bring imagination to complex challenges in the service of transforming mindsets, cultures and social systems.

Integral Practitioners catalyze development in multiple domains of professional practice through facilitating transformative learning at different levels of systems: From individuals, and all the way up to societies.

Integral practitioners make an impact by:

  • Facilitating incremental, adaptive and transformative change.
  • Catalyzing development through transformative learning.
  • Engaging the vitality and emergence of development and evolution.
  • Leading in ways that take responsibility for the whole.
  • Evolving new methods of creative collaboration.
  • Securing the function of integrity in integral practice.
  • Developing the whole person: cognitively, emotionally, somatically, and spiritually.
  • Integrating action and reflection through collective action inquiry and learning.
  • Anchoring the sacred by reuniting the artistic and the scientific.
  • Innovating prototypes that can be scaled while sustaining beauty and practicality.
  • Inhabiting both the contemplative and the performative.
  • Inquiring through both expressive and scientific methods.
  • Healing division within historically wounded systems of relationships.
TL domains

"The ultimate, most sacred form of theory is practice."

— Nikos Kazantzakis


"There is nothing so practical as a good theory."

— Kurt Lewin

integral practitioners discussing outside on benches
integral practitioner gather at a convergence

"You could say paradigms are harder to change than anything else about a system…. But there’s nothing physical or expensive or even slow in the process of paradigm change. In a single individual it can happen in a millisecond. All it takes is a click in the mind, a falling of scales from eyes, a new way of seeing."

— Donella Meadows

The 2022 Convergence: Connect, Collaborate, Create

Calling Coaches, Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Consultants, Changemakers, and Leaders...

In past years, the Integral Practitioner Convergence has taken place in Berlin and Vienna while Integral Practitioner Labs have been convened in Vienna, Berlin, Boston, Oakland, and San Francisco.

Now, integral practitioners from around the world are converging online on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 6th, 7th, and 8th to learn from each other about the capabilities, methods, models and practices that they are innovating in the context of their professional engagements.

Who should participate?

Participants will include aspiring, early career, mid-career, established, and distinguished Integral Practitioners in the domains of education, coaching, organizational leadership, business, and well-being & healthcare.

What will Convergence participants do?

  • Experience a diverse community of inquiry and practice.
  • Engage with established Integral Practitioners from around the world via live video regarding their professional work and learning journeys.
  • Connect with other aspiring and emerging practitioners.
  • Collaborate with others in prototyping your practice idea.
  • Discover the distinct web of competencies required for realizing your unique vision of integral practice.
  • Explore the core consciousness capacities vital for Integral Practitioners.

Panelists for the upcoming 2022 Convergence

100+ panelists are expected at the 2022 Convergence.

Click on each photo to learn about each panelist.

Convergence Program

Convergence panel topics and themes planned for May 6, 7, and 8 include:

Friday, May 6th, 2022


Melissa Schwartz (Moderator)

Aftab Omer (Moderator)

Roger Walsh

Coleen Elgin

Duane Elgin

Moderated By:

Greg Thomas


  • Jewel Kinch-Thomas
  • Steve MacIntosh
  • Amiel Handelsman

Moderated By:

Jacha Rohr


  • Hanno Burmester
  • Max Schupbach
  • Noomane Fehri
  • Rike Oemisch
  • Shelley Sacks

Moderated By:

Pier Lattuada


  • Vitor Jose F Rodriguez
  • Regina U Hess
  • Serge Baddington
  • Hillen Cocq
  • Erica Harpe

Moderated By:

Monica Sharma


  • Khadija T Moalla
  • Sudarshan Rodriguez
  • Paola Jisai Babos
  • Francesco Galtieri

Moderated By:

Marco Robledo


  • Tom Thomison
  • Dennis Wittrock
  • Alia Aurami

Moderated By:

Heinz Robert


  • Robin Woods
  • Anouk Brack
  • Nomali Perera
  • Brett Thomas
  • Griet Hellinckx
  • Laurence Kamf


Alexander Schieffer

Rama Mani


  • Jean Houston
  • Tatiana Speed
  • Pilar Alvarez Laso
  • Christina Taranhike

Saturday, May 7th, 2022


Alexander Schieffer

Rama Mani


  • Thais Corral
  • Dr. Daud Taranhike
  • Dr. Maximilian Abouleish-Boes
  • Christina Taranhike

Moderated By:

Paddy Pampallis


  • Nobantu Mpotulo
  • Dumisani Magadlela
  • Zann Hoad
  • Ndoni Khanyile

Dialogue between:

Markos Perrakis

Maria Bakari

Moderated By:

Namrata Arora


  • Erik Willkens
  • Graham Williams
  • Marie Ornesved
  • Sandy Dias

Moderated By:

Claudia Gross


  • Randhula de Silva
  • Michelle Holliday

Dialogue between:

Elke Fein

Bettina Geiken

Anne Caspari

Dialogue Between:

Susanne Cook-Greuter

Akasha Saunders


Aftab Omer


  • Kateryna Yasko
  • Valerrie Pekar
  • Mychailo Wynnyckij
  • Irena Pranskeviciute
  • Vytautas Buciunas
  • Anastasia Nekrasova
  • Bence Ganti
  • Mathias Weitbrecht

Sunday, May 8th, 2022


Aftab Omer


  • Åsa Jarskog
  • Dumisani Magadlela
  • Claudia Gross
  • Akasha Saunders
  • Rica Viljoen

Moderated By:

John Cusano


  • Nora Bateson
  • Kazuma Matoba

Dialogue between:

Eva Pomeroy

Melanie Goodchild

Moderated By:

Tom Habib

Lisa Norton


  • Nomali Perera
  • Miriam Mason Martineau
  • Miles Kessler
  • Abigail Lynam

Moderated By:

Eugene Pustoshikin


  • John Churchill
  • Hanna Hundorf
  • Maria Bailey
  • Anastasia Gosteva

Moderated by:

George Pór


  • Pavel Luksha
  • Otto Scharmer
  • Aftab Omer
  • Marilyn Hamilton
  • Anneloes Smitsman
  • Indra Adnan
  • Geoff Fitch

Moderated by:

Brad Kershner


  • Stephanie Lepp
  • Ryan Nakade
  • Layman Pascal
  • Daniel Gortz


Register for the 2022 Convergence

Participation in this year's online Integral Practitioner Convergence is free of charge.

Register for free access to three days of panels and collaboration addressing the future of coaching, organizational development, leadership, and integral practice across domains. Join 100+ panelists from around the globe on May 6, 7, and 8, 2022 starting at 8am PDT each day. Session recordings will be available for one week after the Convergence for registrants. Advanced registration only - sign up below to attend!

Los Angeles Campus

2450 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, California 90404
+1 (310) 876-2001

San Francisco Bay Area Center

47 Sixth Street
Petaluma, California 94952
+1 (707) 765-1836

Athens Center

Ermou 56
Athens 10563, Greece
+30 21 1199 0060

Berlin Center

Wallstr. 9
10179 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 16637734

Johannesburg Center

Atrium on 5th 9th Floor
5th St, Johannesburg, 2196, South Africa
+27 31 822 9032

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