Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance 2024-2025

Cost of Attendance is a budget determined by Meridian University to estimate the cost of education for the academic year. This estimate includes Direct Costs such as tuition and fees, plus estimates of Indirect Costs, which include living expenses (outside of Meridian), books, travel, personal expenses, and miscellaneous expenses.

Fixed Tuition Rate: Lock-In Costs for Peace of Mind

At Meridian University, students are provided with a fixed tuition rate based on the per credit rate in place at the time of the student's first quarter. This fixed rate is designed to help students budget and plan for the financial cost of coursework during their degree program. In order to maintain the fixed rate, a student must stay continuously enrolled in at least half-time registration status (4 credits per quarter.) If a student were to withdraw from the University at any point during coursework and later apply for readmission, the per credit tuition rate would convert to that of the applicable rate at the time of readmission.

Direct Costs

Direct Costs include tuition and other fees necessary to attend the program. These are the cost of items the student pays directly to the school. The chart below is a summarized amount of Direct Costs the student will need to cover attendance at Meridian University for one academic year of study, which consists of four consecutive quarters.

2024–2025 Total Tuition and Fees (Direct Costs)

PhD in Psychology$21,632.00
PsyD in Clinical Psychology$21,632.00
MA in Counseling Psychology$21,632.00
MA in Psychology$21,632.00
MEd in Educational Leadership$21,632.00
EdD in Organizational Leadership$21,632.00
MBA in Creative Enterprise$21,632.00

* Tuition estimate based on full-time registration of 32 credits per academic year. Students may take additional or fewer credits which will affect their cost of attendance. Tuition is billed at a rate of $676 per credit. For Financial Aid purposes, students registered for at least 7 credits each quarter are awarded aid based on 32 credits per year. Students who are registered for more than 8 credits each quarter may be eligible to increase their Cost of Attendance for Financial Aid by request to the Financial Aid Office. The Cost of Attendance for Financial Aid for students registered for fewer than 7 credits per quarter is based on an estimate of 24 credits per year. Students must register for at least 4 credits each quarter in order to be eligible for financial aid. A single four credit course is considered half-time registration.

Indirect Costs

The estimated figures of Indirect Costs are provided by a third party based on regional and programmatic statistical information. These figures are only estimates and are not owed to the University.

Individual student costs may vary based on individual standards of living and where the student lives. Students should be prepared to meet the additional costs of their degree program. These additional costs can include travel, accommodations, food, textbooks, learning guides, readers, conference call charges, doctoral project editors, computer software and hardware, courses at other institutions, commercial database searches, professional meetings, trainings, conferences, and/or workshops. Learning consultants or other editors are the sole responsibility of the students using their services.

Total Estimated Cost of Attendance

The following table shows the total estimated cost of attendance for the 2024–25 academic year. Estimated costs are estimated tuition and fee amounts that the students pay directly to Meridian.

  • Estimated indirect costs are likely to vary for each student and are not owed to the University.
  • Total Estimated Cost of Attendance adds together both the estimated direct costs and estimated indirect costs, and is indicated on the last row of the table below.
  • The note (*) under the Direct Costs section above also applies to the table below.
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance
Direct or Estimated Indirect CostCategoryPhD in PsychologyPsyD in Clinical PsychologyMA in Counseling PsychologyMA in PsychologyMEd in Educational LeadershipEdD in Organizational LeadershipMBA in Creative EnterpriseContinuation Student
Direct CostTuition$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.000.00
Direct CostRequired Fees$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$1,550.00
Direct Cost Total$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$21,632.00$1,550.00
Estimated CostsBooks & Supplies$1,200.00$1,200.00$1,200.00$1,200.00$1,200.00$1,200.00$1,200.00$0
Estimated CostsLiving Expenses$20,383.00$20,383.00$20,383.00$20,383.00$20,383.00$20,383.00$20,383.00$0
Estimated CostsTransportation$4,147.00$4,147.00$4,147.00$4,147.00$4,147.00$4,147.00$4,147.00$0
Estimated CostsMisc Expenses$13,211.00$13,211.00$13,211.00$13,211.00$13,211.00$13,211.00$13,211.00$0
Estimated CostLoan Fees (Est)$216$216$216$216$216$216$216$0
Est. Indirect Cost Total$39,157.00$39,157.00$39,157.00$39,157.00$39,157.00$39,157.00$39,157.00$0
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance$60,789.00$60,789.00$60,789.00$60,789.00$60,789.00$60,789.00$60,789.00$1,550.00

Schedule of Charges

Please note that all fees on the following Schedule of Charges are for the current academic year and may change in the future. All fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change and expected to increase each year.

Application Fee$50Mandatory, non-refundable
Graduate Degree Program Tuition$676 per creditMandatory, partially refundable
Finance Charge: Monthly Payment Plan$90 per quarterOptional, non-refundable
Continuation Fee$1,550Mandatory, partially refundable
Transformative Learning LabVaries***Optional, non-refundable
Dissertation Fee: Eight-Quarter Period (PhD/EdD Students)$19,500**Mandatory, partially refundable
Clinical Case Study Fee: Four-Quarter Period (PsyD Students)$9,750**Mandatory, partially refundable
Dissertation Extension Fee (Four-Quarter Extension)$9,750**Optional, partially refundable
Clinical Case Study Extension Fee (Four-Quarter Extension)$9,750**Optional, partially refundable
Quarterly Dissertation Fee beyond the four-quarter Extension Fee (per quarter fee)$2,437Optional, non-refundable
Quarterly Clinical Case Study Fee beyond the four-quarter Extension Fee (per quarter fee)$2,437Optional, non-refundable
Doctoral Project Binding Fee (three copies)$600 (may vary based on vendor)Mandatory, non-refundable
Degree Program Transfer Fee$300Optional, non-refundable
Readmissions Fee$300Mandatory, non-refundable
Optional Tutorial Fee$676Optional, non-refundable
Required Tutorial Fee$676Mandatory, non-refundable
Certificate FeeCertificate fees vary based on the certificateOptional, partially refundable
Leave of Absence Fee$300Optional, non-refundable
Official Transcript Fee$15Optional, non-refundable
ID Card Replacement Fee$15Optional, non-refundable
Late Enrollment Fee$50Optional, non-refundable
Late Payment Fee$25Optional, non-refundable
Returned Check Fee$35Optional, non-returnable
Late Assignment Fee$75Optional, non-refundable
Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF)Varies***Mandatory, non-refundable
Books and Supplies$1,200*Optional, non-refundable


  1. Tuition and fee rates are expected to increase each year. All fees are reviewed annually and may be subject to increase by Meridian University
  2. An “Optional” fee is required when a student selects an optional service.

* This amount is an annual approximate depending on the choices that students make regarding the purchase of books and supplies.

** The dissertation fee covers an eight-quarter period. The clinical case study fee covers a four-quarter period. If a student withdraws and then re-admits, their doctoral project fees will be based on the Schedule of Charges in place at the time of their initiating the doctoral project process. PhD and EdD students who find that additional time beyond the eight quarters is necessary for completion of their dissertation (and PsyD students who find that additional time beyond the four quarters is necessary for completion of their clinical case study), must enroll in the extended four-quarter clock.


“You must pay the state-imposed assessment for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if all of the following applies to you:

  1. You are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition either by cash, guaranteed student loans, or personal loans, and
  2. Your total charges are not paid by any third-party payer such as an employer, government program or other payer unless you have a separate agreement to repay the third party.

You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if either of the following applies:

  1. You are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program, or
  2. Your total charges are paid by a third party, such as an employer, government program or other payer, and you have no separate agreement to repay the third party.”

“The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic loss suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution, who is or was a California resident while enrolled, or was enrolled in a residency program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition.

You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if you are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program.”

“It is important that you keep copies of your enrollment agreement, financial aid documents, receipts, or any other information that documents the amount paid to the school. Questions regarding the STRF may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833, (916) 431-6959 or (888) 370-7589.

To be eligible for STRF, you must be a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid or deemed to have paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following:

  1. The institution, a location of the institution, or an educational program offered by the institution was closed or discontinued, and you did not choose to participate in a teach-out plan approved by the Bureau or did not complete a chosen teach-out plan approved by the Bureau.
  2. You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution within the 120 day period before the closure of the institution or location of the institution, or were enrolled in an educational program within the 120 day period before the program was discontinued.
  3. You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution more than 120 days before the closure of the institution or location of the institution, in an educational program offered by the institution as to which the Bureau determined there was a significant decline in the quality or value of the program more than 120 days before closure.
  4. The institution has been ordered to pay a refund by the Bureau but has failed to do so.
  5. The institution has failed to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federal student loan program as required by law, or has failed to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the institution in excess of tuition and other costs.
  6. You have been awarded restitution, a refund, or other monetary award by an arbitrator or court, based on a violation of this chapter by an institution or representative of an institution, but have been unable to collect the award from the institution.
  7. You sought legal counsel that resulted in the cancellation of one or more of your student loans and have an invoice for services rendered and evidence of the cancellation of the student loan or loans.
  8. To qualify for STRF reimbursement, the application must be received within four (4) years from the date of the action or event that made the student eligible for recovery from STRF.

A student whose loan is revived by a loan holder or debt collector after a period of noncollection may, at any time, file a written application for recovery from STRF for the debt that would have otherwise been eligible for recovery. If it has been more than four (4) years since the action or event that made the student eligible, the student must have filed a written application for recovery within the original four (4) year period, unless the period has been extended by another act of law.

However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or a taxpayer identification number.”


Per the Enrollment Agreement, both Parties agree that any and all disputes, claims or controversies arising out of or relating to the Enrollment Agreement shall be submitted to a mutually selected mediator, and if the matter is not resolved through mediation, then it shall be submitted to arbitration for final and binding arbitration pursuant to the terms of the Enrollment Agreement, section 'Mediation and Arbitration'. Either Party may initiate mediation by providing to the other Party a written request for mediation, including the subject of the dispute and the resolution requested. Either Party may initiate arbitration by filing a written demand for arbitration at any time following the initial mediation session, or at any time following 45 days from the date of filing the written request for mediation, whichever occurs first. Any controversy or claim between the Parties in any way related to the Enrollment Agreement or Student’s enrollment at Meridian University shall be resolved by bringing binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) in Petaluma, California, in accordance with its Consumer Arbitration Rules, as provided in the terms of the Enrollment Agreement. Both Parties have irrevocably waived rights to a trial by jury, and have selected instead to submit any and all claims to the decision of the Arbitrator instead of a court as provided in accordance with the Enrollment Agreement, section 'Terms of Arbitration'. Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to utilize the Conflict Resolution Process described in the Student Handbook prior to filing Arbitration. A Student desiring to file Arbitration should contact the AAA, which will provide the appropriate forms and detailed instructions.

For Financial Aid Assistance

Los Angeles Campus

2450 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, California 90404
+1 (310) 876-2001

San Francisco Bay Area Center

47 Sixth Street
Petaluma, California 94952
+1 (707) 765-1836

Athens Center

Ermou 56
Athens 10563, Greece
+30 21 1199 0060

Berlin Center

Wallstr. 9
10179 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 16637734

Johannesburg Center

Atrium on 5th 9th Floor
5th St, Johannesburg, 2196, South Africa
+27 31 822 9032

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