Credit Hour Policy

Credit Hour Policy

The credit hour is a measure of the amount of required work established by federal regulations to determine equivalency among accredited institutions of higher learning. It is represented in terms of the number of hours in the classroom or direct faculty instruction, as well as the minimum number of hours of out-of-class work needed for students to achieve the learning outcomes identified for a course.

Meridian’s definition of a credit hour is consistent with the Code of Federal Regulations, sections 600.2 and 600.24, as: “the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency reasonably approximating not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately…ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.”

The online classroom includes engaging in weekly Zoom classes (in real-time or watching the recordings) and their associated writings, listening to or viewing online presentations, participating in the related group discussion forums, responding to posts and developing weekly writing assignments, plus out-of-class student work for each week of the quarter, for a 1.5 to 3- hour ratio between classroom and out of class student work. A credit hour is assumed to be a 50-minute period.

Periodic Review of Course Alignment with the Credit Hour Policy

New courses should be reviewed and approved by the curriculum committee for compliance with the credit hour policy.

Review of the credit hour policy is a component of the annual program review process. This involves review of the policy as it pertains to selected courses.

Rev. 3.31.23

Los Angeles Campus

2450 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, California 90404
+1 (310) 876-2001

San Francisco Bay Area Center

47 Sixth Street
Petaluma, California 94952
+1 (707) 765-1836

Athens Center

Ermou 56
Athens 10563, Greece
+30 21 1199 0060

Berlin Center

Wallstr. 9
10179 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 16637734

Johannesburg Center

Atrium on 5th 9th Floor
5th St, Johannesburg, 2196, South Africa
+27 31 822 9032

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